News & Events
In February 2022, Irene was joined by her husband, Brian Caminer, also an attorney. Together Irene and Brian bring more than 40 years' of legal service experience and expertise in areas of law including municipal government and procurement, infrastructure, not-for-profit, legislative, regulatory, and ethics. In addition, Caminer Law, assists individuals and small businesses seeking certification as a minority-, woman-, disabled-, veteran-owned business. Serving a variety of clients from small municipalities, medium size businesses, and individuals, Caminer Law takes a thoughtful, informed, and well-reasoned approach to achieve client goals.
Together, Irene and Brian seek to make a meaningful impact to improve the quality, performance, and lives of others.
May 2023 Irene Caminer moderates panel on Public Agency Professional Services Procurement of Minority, Women, Disadvantaged & Veteran Business Enterprises, at the APWA Illinois Chapter Conference, Peoria, IL .
August 2022 Irene Caminer presents Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace at the AWWA Transformative Issues Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio.
March 2022 Irene Caminer presents Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace at the Illinois Section American Water Works Association Water Conference, Springfield, IL.
November 2021 Irene Caminer presents with other ISAWWA Women in Water at the G.I.R.L. STEMinar by the Girl Scouts of Central Illinois in Normal, Illinois.
November 2021 Irene Caminer presents to Canadian companies on Midwest Industrial Wastewater Technologies as part of the Consulate General of Canada in Chicago’s Canada@ WEFTEC series.
August 2021 Irene Caminer presents The Importance of Preferences in Contracts at the Illinois Section American Water Works Association Water Conference, Springfield, IL.
March 2021 Irene Caminer leads a workshop on elevator pitches for Chicago Bunker Labs Cohort, a national nonprofit for veterans.
February 2021 Irene Caminer presents on forming a company in Illinois to the United States of Women, Chicago Chapter.
October 2020 Irene Caminer delivers a presentation on certification at NAWBO Connect virtual gathering.
March 2019 ISAWWA WaterCon Women in Water, “May the (Work) Force Be With You Leading the Way”.
Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) - Chicago and Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will Counties.
Women's Business Enterprise (CEI BEP) - State of Illinois Commission on Equity and Inclusion
Disadvantaged Owned Business Enterprise (DBE) - Pace Bus (Illinois)
Airport Concession Disadvantaged Owned Business Enterprise (ACDBE) - Pace Bus (Illinois)
Interstate DBE and ACDBE – Maryland and DC
Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) - WBENC
Women-Owned Small Business
Publishing & Media
January 2022
Member Monday Podcast interview by Elizabeth Colon, President of NAWBO Chicago.
April 2020
Irene Caminer publishes The Importance of Contract Preferences in Government Funded Projects with HACIA.